Tuesday 29 September 2009


So today I was supposed to be getting my braces put in but they refused to do it because I need treatment before they can do the braces. So I am back on the list. I've been waiting for 3/4 years to get these braces put in and I cannot wait anymore! I want straight teeth but I want to get them fixed sooner rather than later. I have things with my career that I need, and I need straight teeth! Anyway, Onto other things. A review/haul of lush will be up. I have already used some things before we took pictures but it will be explained. We taped a video review but it didnt turn out well, so we will be doing another one today.


I am not even joking! I have been spending all day getting ready and trying to make twitter! It's horrible it is really taking its time. I made the account but still haven't recieved the activation email! I entered my number and send almost 4 verification texts but still heard nothing back and now I don't know what to do. Any help?
Just started a blog up. So now we can blog, heard a lot of good things about blogspot.
Getting my braces today! I am so scared, Lucy's at school so it's just me now. Braces soon, been putting them off for far to long! Really scared now. The twitter is gibbsgirlsgurus so find it and follow please please please.
B, x