Thursday 1 October 2009

Alexa's September faves and mini haul.

Hellooooooo once again. So today I put my first video on youtube and it's my september favourites and Mini haul. Both are up and the links will be at the bottom of this post. So here as promised is the detailed descriptions of everything and the pictures.

Mini Haul

***Everything in this haul was from this week, not everything was from just today.***
So the random stuff.
Katie Price book.

Now, normally I would be ecstatic if my dad gave me a katie price book, but today I was a bit disappointed simply because I have personally lost a lot of respect for her recently. However, I loved the autobiographies of hers and so I think I will enjoy this book a lot. I will keep everyone posted on how the book is going and maybe do a book review on it someday. It's called Angel Undercovered and it looks pretty cool. I look forward to starting it tonight. I think it will be my nightime read, so I will see Angel uncovered at 10:30 tonight :D.

Next up is the pens me and my sister got as a present from our great aunty. These are really nice. Our dad's aunty (our great aunty) brought these back from her holiday as a little gift for me and Lacey. She said she didn't really know what to get us and ' we are now at that age that she doesn't know what to buy for us'. We were both very pleased with these pens and they are fantastic and a very thoughtful gift. We are both using them now for our school work and other things.

Mine is the black one(Alexa)
and Lacey's is the blue one. They are really sparkly and pretty and the camera does not do them justice.

Next up is the Shampoo and Conditoner. I have not tried it yet but it looks quite nice, I am just about to smell it right now. I got these from Aldi for 99p each! Even if they aren't very great they were still a bargain! They are Giani Calvaro moisturising conditoner:

and  Giani Calvaro Shampoo for damaged hair:

Now, We haven't actually tried these yet as I only got them today and had already washed my hair using Aussie. When either of us tries these, we will write a quick/long review/blog on it and our thoughts about the product. I had never really heard of these before but they seemed pretty good quality and they reminded me abit of Nicky Clarke, and for 99p you can't really complain!
The tesco products were quite cheap as well and they aren't anything special. They are just my basic essentials for every day use. So this will be as brief as possible with only a little description. First up Lacey's hair dye. Lacey wanted to touch up her roots and she didn't have any dye so we got some from tesco's in her normal shade/colour and her normal brand. We both use nice 'n' easy hair colour, Lacey uses Shade 126, Natural burgandy black and I use Natural black (however I recently bought a different shade but am undecided if I am going to use it yet). Lacey's colour is basically black with red/purple shades, espiecally visible in the light. This is the dye she uses:

It looks nothing like the picture does! The rimmel London eyeliner is next. This eyeliner is waterproof and goes on really well, it works great and looks very nice. It has an eraser on the end which can be used if you smudge your eyeliner, or you want to remove it. It's something handy to have in your bag when you go out because you can always use it on other makeup too. The eyeliner is fantastic. I got this from my rimmel london counter in my tescos and I go there all the time as they have a great range of rimmel london products and are really affordable! They also have better deals than superdrug does on rimmel london products. Lacey and I love our Rimmel London!
Here's the pic:

The next item in the mini haul is the Clean and clear exfoliating daily wash. I haven't tried it yet as I have been using a clearasil wash but I can not WAIT to use this! It looks amazing and sounds really good. A few friends have been recommending it to me and it sounds pretty good. I will keep you updated on these face products as well.

Another face product I haven't tried yet but am looking very forward to using is Clean and clear Blackhead minimising daily scrub. I'm looking forward to this because it's for blackheads and it exfoliates as well, plus you can use it everyday so it will be good for me to fit into an everyday routine.

Another thing that I am excited about is the Clean and Clear Deep cleansing lotion for sensitive skin. My skin is quite sensitive and I need some that is a good cleanser. I think that this cost £1.99 or something along the lines of that. Now I have a daily face wash, a daily blackhead scrub and a cleanser. I was also looking for a toner, but I could not find one, so I decided to give up.

I also bought some boring average stuff, such as nail polish remover and some tesco value cotton wool pads for my face.

Then I bought some makeup wipes, they only had johnson's or tesco's own and tesco value. I got Johnson's 3 in 1 makeup and skin wipes. I have never tried these, as I would normally use olay face wipes to remove my makeup but I like to vary what I use every month or so.

And lastly for this haul, My sister Lacey bought some deodrants. She got Sure crystal clear and Sure cool pink and they were on special offer, 2 for £4.

So that is it for the mini haul part of this blog. The rest of the blog is the september favourites part, and it will be differently laid out. In this section I'm going to put all the pictures first and then after the pictures I will write a little bit up about everything and then maybe include some pictures there 2. Please leave a comment on which layout you prefer and why :D

Ok so I know I went a little Lush crazy with the pics but I love the stuff so much and I feel that a lot of Lush's appeal is their apperance so I deifnatly wanted to show off each items best qualities and I wanted to really show off their beauty and art of each product. Ok, so from the top:
1. Lush times(free)
2. Honey I washed the kids soap (£3.04 for 103g)
3.The gold sparkley bubble bar, I think it's sunnyside but I'm not sure sorry (£2-£3.00)
4. Sex bomb bath ballistic (£2.96 I think)
5. Supernova (£2-£3.00)
I'm really sorry I bought these a 2 weeks or so ago and I lost the recipet so I am not sure on the prices, a lot of the prices where based on 100g anyway so it will vary. A little bit of a description on these products. Well, I have not tried supernova or sex bomb yet, but I think they look lovely and they both smell amazing. I am more looking forward to trying sex bomb rather than supernova, I'm not sure why to be honest. I was a little bit disappointed with the gold glittery one as the lady said it would make bubbles and pretty much be a bubble bath, however when I crumbled it under the running water not many bubbles were made. This could of been because I only used half the bar as Lacey has the rest. The Honey I washed the kids soap was how I imagined AMAZING! I love it and I use it everyday in my shower and to wash my hands with, it lasts quite a long time and I will 100% buy it again. This was the first time I went to Lush ever and I really enjoyed the experience as the people were really nice and helpful, everything looked so pretty and smelt amazing! I do think some items are overpriced but everything is amazing and I personally thought it was worth it. I will be going back to Lush again.

The makeup mentioned are:
1. Foundation brush (make unknown, I got this from a drugstore and I love it, It uses very well and is very useful)
2. Rimmel London Recover foundation.
3. Dior makeup set
4. Dior lipgloss
5. Rimmel London Liquid eyeliner
6. Rimmel London exxagerate eyeliner
7. w7 tinted moisturiser.
8. R

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